OOHHHH! Look at me post!
By Jdizzle on 10:40 AM
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So it has been over a week since my last post and I must apologize. I have been absolutely busy this past week with work, having a few personal projects going on and teaching spin 5 times last week, three of which were within 24 hours of each other. Now some of you may be telling me to suck it up, you teach spin for a living. Let's see you do three classes in a row, one of them at 6 am, and see how the hell you are feeling. Another reason is the fact that it has been hotter than hell here in Utah's Dixie a.k.a. Utah's Douche Bag Training Site. Once you hit 100 degrees you don't want to do anything but lie in your bed and drink ice cold lemonade. A lot of the folks around here have been going out to the lake to cool off. So I decided to take a trek out there to see what the fuss is all about. I don't know about you, but I was NOT impressed with what was going on out there. I did see a lot of this...
Not impressive at all. Plus the lake was not at all what I expected. There is no way I would step foot in that boiling inferno. I took a picture for all of you so you know what in the hell is going on out here (see below). So if your inside your house dying of heat, just remember, you could be at the lake experiencing a lot of muffin topping and this....
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