What a load of BS...

By Jdizzle on 12:10 PM

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I would like to toss out an update for all the Camilla Toe supporters out there. It appears that many of you have taken on my plea for help and have been bitch slapping (“BS”) the hell out of people this weekend. That is great! A flash of the Toe was spotted this past weekend and I do believe if we keep up with the BS, that we may have the Toe in full force for Halloween. I would like to give a shout out to my Brit-Tan, who went right to the source and laid down a bitch slap so hard that I’m sure Chris & Robin felt it out in Georgia. Way to go Brit-Tan! Keep up the good work. Chris, figuring out a way to hurl some "BS" all the way from Georgia was brilliant.

The Camilla countdown begins today and hopefully everyone will continue to throw down the BS. If you are just learning about our cause; remember, it’s not too late to start. Throw down as much BS as you can possibly can. Help bring Camilla back to life. I’m sure many of you made the most of the weekend and presented all kinds of BS to your friends and family.

Keep up the good work everyone. Pretty soon we will be flooded with the crazy tastelessness that makes up Camilla.

Attention shoppers, we have a missing child

By Jdizzle on 2:56 PM

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Ok folks, I need your help! As we draw even closer to Allhallows Eve, my roommate Mike a.k.a. JMike a.k.a. Muffin a.k.a. Hateful Cow is still piddling around with his costume. We are all looking forward to setting our eyes on Camilla Toe (see below) this year. It was 2006 - a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away – since anyone has groped or witnessed the gross misconduct that is Camilla. Mike, JMike, Muffin, Hateful Cow….we are begging you to bring her back! We need magnificent Halloween entertainment this year. It has not been the same since you last pulled out those chicken wings from those droopy, sandbags tucked in your belt you called breasts.

Just as you did when you where a child and clapped your hands to bring Tinkerbell back to life, help me bring Camilla Toe back by bitch slapping someone….anyone. That’s right! That’s all it takes. The harder your slap, the better it is. Each time you bitch slap someone, it helps to bring Camilla Toe back to us. Instead of giving that high five for a job well done, smack a bitch up. Sit out on the sidewalk in front of your house; extend out your hand and slap those children running by on their way home from school. Let them run right into it! It’s simple; it’s so easy that everyone can do it. Tell a friend, tell a co-worker, tell your frienemies! In fact, don’t tell them, show them!

We miss that scraggly, been everywhere red hair that looks like it took a roll through a forest. Please, please bring her back! It just hasn’t been the same!

Want to see more quality posts? Help bring this blog back to life by doing your part and put out your cigarette on the bottom of a child's foot.

Wishful Drinking

By Jdizzle on 4:32 PM

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Alright bitches, it has been one of those Monday's. The kind where you get to work and want to cut up a bitch because you just realized that you forgot your boot flask at home. How can it be that some Monday's are just hell? I hope the rest of you have had a better Monday than I have had, if so, I hate you. Anyway....I'm sure most of you remember that this past weekend was the St. George Marathon. I assume that most of you (except maybe Cariebear) still enjoyed your weekend because you didn't have to park your vehicle down the street due to the city closing off certain roads most of the day to allow the runners dragging their sorry carcasses toward the finish line some type of unwarranted safety. Yes.....they closed my street and inconvenienced me. I hate them all. Fuckers.

All that inconveniencing was repaid though when I returned home from spin and watched some runner hit the wall. It was the funniest thing ever! She collapsed right in the middle of the road and fell down onto her knees. She came down really hard and probably shattered or broke something in her knee. She then sat in the middle of the road holding her knee and crying out loud! It was music to my ears. Yes, I started to feel bad, but then I remembered I had to park out on the street. Hmmmm....sucked to be her!